Electrotherapy and local modalities are used to assist pain reduction and the natural healing response via an increase in energy (electrical, sound, light, magnetic, temperature).

Electrotherapy and local modalities have short-term benefits that can assist with the earlier introduction of other longer lasting techniques such as exercise prescription.

While many patients will feel the immediate benefits from electrotherapy, it is wise to think of these passive modalities similarly to pain relieving or anti-inflammatory medications.

That is, electrotherapy and local modalities are methods of pain relief or inflammation reduction that provides short-term relief and stimulation, which allows you to continue moving and functioning as comfortably as possible until the cause is fixed.

Common Injuries

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Muscle spasm

  • Tendonitis

  • Myositis ossificans

  • Chronic connective tissue and joint dysfunction

  • Nerve entrapments

  • Tensosynovitis

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Plantar warts

  • Periarthritis

  • Ganglia

  • Bursitis

  • Chronic sprains / strains